Saturday, September 30, 2006


mommy, mommy, wake up. mum. mum! MUM. MUM! I don't care what time it is daddy, i want mum. mommy, mum. mum...

i don't care that it's 2 in the morning....



mum, mum, mum, mum,...

oh mommy, i'm hungry...

what's taking daddy so long?

oooh. i get to eat these little fishes that grandma got for you? didn't grandma say that sister was bad because she got into the box and ate some? hee hee. oh wait, where are you going? daddy, where is mommy going?


oh good. mommy's back. what do i get to eat now? hm... don't care. i'm hungry. oh, water! yumm!

okay, more mum please.

i want to lay down and eat mum now...



Sunday, September 24, 2006

Where'd you go?

Mommy, mommy, where'd you go last night? how come you left us? why didn't you bring us along? and then you came back so late... hold me close and tell me a story, mommy. tell me about where you went...



that's so funny, mommy. uncle norm in his minivan. nathan's baba drives so slow and he passed up uncle collin in his sporty superperformance bmw? wow.

really? the wedding was nice? that's good. that's a far drive from here. no wonder you took so long to get back. but, uncle gary and auntie leslie are nice. i hope they have a happy marriage too. i hope they have kids so i can play with them.

really? auntie phuong tricked you into getting a rum and coke and then bailling out herself? auntie phuong likes getting you into trouble, huh mommy? and what? uncle geoff kept trying to take pictures of you at the bar? that's so funny. that's just like uncle geoff trying to take bad pictures of you mommy.

mommy, i'm glad you're home now. don't leave us ever again, okay? i missed you and baba. i couldn't sleep when you were away. take us to the next wedding please mommy. we want to see beautiful dresses and pretty flowers too.

Saturday, September 23, 2006


today i felt like sleeping with mommy. i like sleeping next to mommy. i don't know why, but i like to put my feet on her. i didn't feel like sleeping in my crib last night, so when daddy tried putting me down, i put up a fuss. good think my sister was asleep so i got to be with mommy and daddy all by myself all night long. sometimes i think my sister gets too much attention from daddy and mommy. she really hogs up mommy's time. it's not fair. plus, when sister sits on me... she's too heavy. she's gonna squash me someday. anyway, that is all i wanted to say. you figure out which sister i am yet? oh, here's a hint to all the babies out there... gotta learn to work the system babes. i've got them all wrapped around my little finger. if you need lessons, i charge by the minute. :P catch ya'll laters....

gas prices

can't believe what i'm seeing...

gas prices have dropped to a little more than $2.50 here... wow... very nice. let's hope they continue to drop.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


it's been a month and a half that we have been in daycare now. we're starting to feel really comfortable with this daycare center too. we really like the workers there. too much i think. so much that... there are some days we don't want to leave. but mostly, that's sister and on some days, we don't realize that mommy left for work... actually, most days now... we learn to eat on our own and play with others which is nice. sometimes at home, we play hide and seek with each other and it's SO much fun. somtimes i catch mommy and daddy watching us play and smiling at us. okay, mommy wants to write now... see you later!

lately, i've been getting up before sam's alarm goes off... sometimes half hour before, sometimes less, but i've really enjoyed these mornings to myself. one morning, i worked on the girls' scrap book. one morning, i cleaned the kitchen... well, i shouldn't say clean. how about tidied up the kitchen. i personally think that our kitchen will never be fully clean. i'm starting to no longer "want" all these things in the kitchen and really looking towards streamlining my stuff. we definitely have more than we need. starting to cook more and using all the different "nice" cookware we have. learning how to use them the right way... it's fun. but of course, not in the mornings. sometimes when i get home with the girls and sam gets home, i try to get dinner as quickly as possible on the table and while we're watching rachel ray... i actually beat her. got my own 30 minutes or less meals. :P but she's good inspiration to cook at home more. but she has this technique which allows her to cook her meals within 30 minutes and i think it's all part of her game plan... which is to really... PLAN what you're going to make before you make it. isn't that all part of life and getting ahead? but sometimes, of course, there are last minute fly by the seat of your pant changes which are nice too.

i'm getting so burned out with work. it's totally made me use every ounce of my brain power and energy everyday. i guess it's like an endurance race... and i'm so losing. :P oh well. wish we had a 4 day weekend. wouldn't that be nice?

Sunday, September 10, 2006

rambling on...

nice day today sunday. weather was pretty cool in the morning... that made me happy. i really like cooler weather. note, cooler doesn't equate to cold. :) nursery duty... that was pretty nice too. nice is such a nondescript word. okay, nursery duty was quite satisfying. chatting/catching up with others... good way to not only pass time, but also share thoughts and ideas with daily issues we might have especially since most of us in there have kids. gave me some things to think about... it's been on my mind since i started work... now that alexis and kaede will enter school at exactly the same time, how should i do this? should they be in separate classes? same class? hm. i know i want them on the same track and that i won't budge on. now about class... well, if the teachers on the same track have the same homework policy, behavior policy, extracurricular opportunites, i think i wouldn't mind trying separate classes if the girls want it, but i think if they wanted to be in the same class badly enough, i would be open to that too. so many years away, and yet, it's already on my mind.

well, sam's in SD now. i hope he's enjoying himself. i'm sure it's nice to get away from the dailies of elk grove. as for me, i'll survive. no problems here. aahhh, the girls are so adorable. i just LOVE them. so beautiful and smart. i fear for the males out there... not sure if it's a sign, but i'm afraid the girls might be alpha females... ha ha... oh well.

Saturday, September 09, 2006


alexis and kaede have started walking!!!! so darn cute! and... well, i've come to realize, they're really mommy's girls... :)

still checking out the functions of blogger...

who's the skinny monkey and who's the sillie piggie? well, to be honest, i don't know. they both can be either. so why did i choose these two characters? well, to me, they're terms of endearment that i use for my girls depending on their behavior or actions. well, i can't help but love them both. yes, they both love to eat fruit, and they have this auntie that loves to give them food of all sorts even if it's against mommy's and daddy's wishes. but the girls make good choices in their choice of food. fruits and veggies and rice are all high on their list of fav foods. yay!

oh btw, we're at a red egg ginger party. and we love table food!


So, i finally thought of a title for this blog... and am bold enough to try something new instead of using xanga. hopefully this is also user friendly... it seems a little intimidating, but i "think" i'll stick with it and try it out a couple times before writing it off completely... wish me luck!