Our 2nd birthday party
we had our party this past saturday! it was so much fun. we love bouncing around and going down this really super long slide. all our friends and family were there. we were so tired, we had to take a nap afterwards. lucky leah didn't have to, but even madison took a nap later in our crib. we got so many presents and the cake was so good. well, we don't know about the cake, but the strawberries in the cake were yummy! You can see our pictures here! Now that we're two, mommy says that we talk too much. ha ha... too bad.
July 18, 2007
IT'S MY I MEAN, OUR BIRTHDAY TODAY! we turn 2!!! yay!
mommy posted pictures from our trips to San Francisco and to Indiana/Toronto on her picasa web account. here's the link for the San Francisco trip! and here's the link for Indiana/Toronto!
we had lots of fun. gung gung said it was more of our vacation than his. anyway, we're sleeping a whole lot more these days. mom says it's jet lag. i guess it's good cause in two days, we're going to see the doctor for our checkup. tomorrow is our birthday and we turn 2!!!! we're having a birthday party this saturday. it's going to be so much fun! we already got gifts at home! mommy and daddy took us to toys r' us yesterday looking for toys... it was so much fun. they announced our birthday over the intercom too! we lost our balloons on the ceiling tho. mommy and daddy bought us a table and chair set, but they have to exchange it because part of it isn't made well.
the zoo!
yesterday we went to the sacramento zoo with nathan and auntie thu. we saw a lot of animals. our favorite were the monkeys! so many monkeys! we also saw penguins swimming, lions, tigers, giraffes, snakes, and lots of birds. we ate a hot dog and chicken and fries. we also played with an alligator. all in all, it was fun. oh, and auntie thu got us ponies. we slept with our ponies last night.
here's a picture of us at the zoo playing with the alligator!
we'll let you know later about our trip: "all the way to canada!"