more random conversations...
a: madisonm: madison?a: madisonm: you miss madison?a: (nods)m: you want to play with madison?a: play madisonm: okay sweetie, you'll see madison in a month or so... don't worrya: madison
random conversations...
9:00 p.m. and again at 9:15 and again at 9:30 (same conversation repeats inself)m: night night kaedek: night night kaedem: i'm not kaede, you say night night mommyk: night night kaede (big grin)m: kaede, i'm mommyk: night night mommy(after 5 minutes)k: bye mommym: where you going?k: downm: are you going to find daddy?k: yesm: okay, see you later.k: laterk: (after standing there for a moment) bye! (walks off)different conversationa: nathanm: nathan?a: nathanm: yes, what about nathan?a: nathan toysm: you like nathan's toys?a: yes
last weekend

... was fun! we had so much fun on sunday taking nathan's toys away from him! he likes to take the toys away from us too. so it's all fair, except all the toys were really his if they weren't audrey's. we played easter egg hunt too with auntie mellie. that was fun. on monday, we had even more fun at gilroy gardens. so many rides. the best rides tho, were the ones we could take with mommy and daddy. some of those rides that go up and down on that horsey were really scary. but the big ones that mommy and daddy could ride with us are better. there was a water one, a hot air balloon one, driving one, and lots more. mommy didn't like the spinning one and neither did auntie jackie. she got sick. but all in all, it was lots of fun. i hope we can go again and again.